Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

[ASK] Ruby Assign Function Ke Variable

Custom HTML Atasgan,ane kan punya cipher seperti ini Code:def add(a, b) puts "ADDING #{a} + #{b}" a + b end def subtract(a, b) puts "SUBTRACTING #{a} - #{b}" a - b end def multiply(a, b) puts "MULTIPLYING #{a} * #{b}" a * b end def divide(a, b) puts "DIVIDING #{a} / #{b}" a / b end puts "Let's do whatever science with meet functions!" age = add(30, 5) height = subtract(78,4) weight = multiply(90, 2) iq = divide(100, 2) puts "Age: #{age}, Height: #{height}, Weight: #{weight}, IQ: #{iq}" # A teaser for the player credit, identify it in anyway. puts "Here is a puzzle." what = add(age, subtract(height, multiply(weight, divide(iq, 2)))) puts "That becomes: #{what} Can you do it by hand?" pas saya distribute functionnya, kok malah keluar production ? padahal saya niatnya cuma mau distribute continuance dari duty tersebut mohon bantuannya Posted by
CIF Cleaning

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